As depicted in the Figure, the trolley is meant to be a 2D mapping platform compared to the backpack. It holds the following sensors and hardware:
- Horizontally mounted Velodyne HDL-32E
- Vertically mounted Velodyne VLP-16
- Xsens MTi-10 IMU
- Ricoh Theta V 360° 4k-Camera\
- Optical Wheel Encoders for Odometry
Nvidia Jetson Nano- Netgear ProSafe 8 Port Gigabit Switch
- XTPower MP-32000 Powerbank
- 12V power divider for LiDARs and Switch

The video shows a quick SLAM run of an indoor space. The mapping is much faster due to the reduced DoF compared to the backpacks.
The mapping of the DCAITI, the 4th floor of the TEL-building of the TU-Berlin can be seen in the following video:
The aggregated output, i.e. placing the LiDAR measurements according to the computed trajectory with RGB information mapped from the camera onto the LiDAR points, is illustrated here: